living with oral allergy syndrome
If your lips, mouth or tongue have ever tingled after eating fresh fruits or vegetables, if wheat makes you wheeze, if soy makes you sick, or if nuts knock you out, there’s a good chance you have oral allergy syndrome, a hay-fever related food allergy.
Oral allergy syndrome, also known as pollen food allergy syndrome or food pollen allergy, occurs when people react to foods that are related to certain pollens. For example, if you’re allergic to birch pollen, you may notice your lips tingle when you eat a fresh apple, peach or almonds. If you’re allergic to grass, ragweed or latex, you might find that kiwis, bananas or tomatoes give you hives or belly aches.
Oral allergy syndrome is the leading cause of food allergies, with 50-90% of people with hay fever suffering from related food allergies. However, it is little understood and often goes unrecognized, unreported and undiagnosed. Those with it often feel frustrated by the lack of information about it, and may be confused about what to eat.
If any of this applies to you, you’ll want to read this book, the most comprehensive resource on oral allergy syndrome to date. This book will help you to:
- Understand what OAS is and learn its possible origins and treatments
- Manage hay fever and food allergies
- Avoid foods with hidden allergens
- Deal with eating out and cooking at home
- Find nutritious snacks and basic meal suggestions
- Cook around your restrictions and maintain a balanced diet
- Take control of your health and overall wellbeing
And it includes over 60 healthy recipes for oral allergy syndrome free of gluten, meat, wheat, soy and OAS related nuts, most of which are also dairy-free or with dairy free options!